How to Write AI Content Briefs for Quality Results
  • 6-minute read
  • 28th April 2023

How to Write AI Content Briefs for Quality Results

When you use AI language tools, you can generate large amounts of content within seconds. But writers and editors who know how to write well-crafted prompts or briefs enjoy infinitely more refined results from AI. 

Knowing how to formulate a prompt can mean the difference between cookie cutter outcomes and consistently valuable raw material for your content development.

Understanding AI Prompting

Your prompts may begin with a keyword, a phrase, or a long paragraph. Whether you aim to create a single email or the next great novel, keep a few things in mind:

  • Text prompting is an essential skill for leveraging AI’s generative capabilities. The good news is that success depends more on your engagement and persistence than on technical skill.
  • AI’s conversational capability makes engaging with tools seem natural and easy. At the same time, you’re not conversing with a human – you’re directing a computer to complete tasks.
  • The clearer you are on your content goals, the more precise and descriptive you can be with your parameters: format, audience, style, length, or any other details you can imagine.
  • Write your AI prompt as carefully as you would a brief for a human writer – the difference being that you can use a series of prompts to refine the results to your satisfaction.
  • Think of a content generating tool as your writing assistant rather than the final authority.
  • Expect a learning curve for both you and the AI generative tool.
  • AI tools are ideal for scaling content and generating ideas, but you’ll still need to watch for data inconsistencies and edit for unique quality.

Using natural language programming, humans program AI tools to sound like humans. But the quality of output depends ultimately on your human sense and ingenuity for prompt formulation and editing output. 

You can write endless formulas in a more open-ended tool, such as Open AI’s ChatGPT. Other tools, such as Jasper, are designed with built-in functions and templates to produce more specific types of content, such as marketing or business items.

The more general your prompt or command, the more general the results. Likewise, the more specific you are, the more specific the output is. The work of crafting and fine-tuning prompts is an indispensable skill called prompt crafting, prompt engineering, or promptology

Through the practice of prompting, you can create article templates, improve gaps in documents, conduct research, brainstorm, optimize or analyze data, and write and rewrite innumerable projects.

Guidelines for Effective AI Prompts

Before you begin, get as clear as possible on your goal, whether you’re revising an existing blog, planning an email campaign, or even devising the perfect prompt. Consider the purpose of your content – whether to inform, entertain, or persuade. 

As with any brief, include crucial parameters, such as word count, audience profile, format, tone, and writing styles. Here are a few pointers:

  • You could begin with a question, an explanation, instructions, or any information you think is necessary to accomplish the task or objective you desire. 
  • Each prompt may include a few words, a whole string of sentences, or even code.
  • Use a concrete subject with clear descriptors and some context.
  • Include constraints or options, such as the number of words or paragraphs, any relevant examples or keywords, style preferences, or sources for reference.

For instance, suppose you want to write a blog on the advantages of quality web content for independent realtors. You might write a prompt that says:

Write a blog on the advantages of quality web content for independent realtors.

However, your result will probably be quite generic. A better prompt to start with would be:

Write a 400-word blog post exploring the advantages of quality web content for independent realtors in Savannah, Georgia, and the surrounding areas. Keep the tone friendly and upscale for high-end buyers and sellers. Include one headline and at least two subheadings to break up the content for readers. Include the keyword “independent realtors.” Also, share examples of effective web content strategies, such as relevant keywords and client reviews, and how they can boost traffic to the site.

A more detailed prompt results in more thorough content that you can continue to refine. Expect your prompt engineering to be a process of testing and refining until you’re happy with the results. Be aware that the AI tool may be limited by its own data, depending on your needs or goals.

Refine Your Prompt Through Iterations

Think of AI generated content as rough drafts to be revised or edited with a human touch. You may need to simplify or rephrase prompts. With each iteration, you can discover or ask for new descriptors. For instance, you could introduce a negative prompt for what you don’t want to see: 

Please rewrite the above blog, but this time, include content aimed at sellers only, not buyers. 

Remember, you’re responsible for ensuring accuracy and originality. Always fact check and question output, no matter how confident the AI tool sounds. And remember, AI tools cannot claim values of truth, human insight, or common sense. Ultimately, you can turn your final prompt into a template to use over and over.

Keep Refining Your Prompting Skills

Tools such as offer cheat sheets with quick prompts for tools like ChatGPT. As you practice, you should soon discover new ways to produce every kind of content with AI’s enormous power. 

Content creators enjoy myriad advantages of various functions and capabilities across AI tools – from exploring ideas and building web content to performing translations and conducting research.

Open AI’s ChatGPT is a powerful playground for any format, ranging from innovative chatbots to deep research. At the same time, newer iterations offer menus for streamlining projects. The AI will even tell you when it’s made a mistake or will question your premises.

Tools such as Jasper are modeled after ChatGPT but are more specifically focused on generating content for marketing or business. Jasper provides dozens of templates and documents to help you write faster, with a focus on SEO. Tools such as Copymatic are geared more toward social media and content copy.

As natural language programs evolve and multiply, you’ll benefit by staying up to date with multiple sources. But by keeping quality content as your first priority, most tools can help you differentiate your brand, provide value with helpful content, and offer new perspectives or innovative stories.

Become An AI Pro

Learn more in our writers guide to using AI tools.

Need help making your AI-generated content briefs polished and ready for use? Have a look at Proofed’s proofreading and editing services for AI-generated content and reach out to our team to find out how we can serve your content needs.

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