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- 29th May 2023
Grammar Tips: What Are Conjunctive Adverbs?
A conjunctive adverb, otherwise known as a subordinating adverb, is an adverb that connects two clauses. And while they play an important grammatical role, punctuating them can be a little tricky (at first!).
In this post, we’ll discuss how to use conjunctive adverbs in your writing and the correct way to punctuate them.
What Are Conjunctive Adverbs?
Conjunctive adverbs help smooth the transition between two related ideas. They can connect two clauses within the same sentence or link two complete sentences and can be used to:
● Present a contrasting idea (however, nonetheless, nevertheless, instead).
● Show a sequence of events (finally, next, subsequently).
● Show cause and effect (consequently, therefore).
● Expand on previously stated information (additionally, moreover).
● Demonstrate corresponding ideas (similarly, likewise).
● Show a time connection (meanwhile, simultaneously, now).
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● Emphasize a point (indeed, certainly).
This isn’t all of them – there are many more conjunctive adverbs.
Punctuating Conjunctive Adverbs
These adverbs can join two independent clauses using a semicolon and a comma (never two commas). For example:
They can also show the relationship between two complete sentences. In these cases, a comma should follow the conjunctive adverb if it’s used at the beginning of a sentence and precede it if it’s at the end. For example:
If a conjunctive adverb is used in the middle of a sentence, it can be offset with commas. For example:
This isn’t a hard and fast rule: if the conjunctive adverb is essential to the meaning of the sentence, then the surrounding commas can be omitted. This is often the case for adverbs like thus and therefore; however, what is considered essential can be a matter of judgment.
Check out these examples:
The math test is on Monday. You thus need to study all weekend.
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